The people come to Bali for the beautiful beaches as well as the fascinating culture. If your visit to Bali is more than a few days and your first visit should be then you'll want to split your time between two places, such as the beach and the cultural center of Ubud.As a Balinese realtor, I act in so many capacities, helping my clients choose from hundreds of Bali communities to pick the one that best suits their needs and tropical lifestyles. I help them analyze what they truly want out of a community, how close they want to be to their jobs, what schools they want their children to attend, how close they want to be to beaches, golf courses and/and shopping. There are dozens and dozens of things every buyer needs to consider and I try to make sure that all these issues are addressed before they make a purchase so that they are truly happy with the purchase that they make and have no regrets later. I'm part lawyer, negotiator, relationship counselor, activities director, investment advisor, repair coordinator, travel agent, ms fix-it, organizer, etc. I have arranged for repairs to be made to my clients homes months after they have moved in and helped them settle everything from tax issues to deed issues to unpaid btok fee issues even years after their purchase. My clients will tell you that they firmly believe that I earn my money by Real estate. The referrals they send me tell me that - along with the thank you letters, gifts and wonderful emails that I receive from them.
Please know that I'm not complaining. I love doing this work and I'd never go back to law as long as I can continue to practice real estate. There is nothing better than helping someone buy the home that they will raise their children in or spend their retirement in. There is even a certain joy in helping my clients with their investments because those investments eventually translate into a lifetime of security for my clients and I was able to help make that happen for them.
It is a privilege to do what I do and it is a shame that companies like Redfin try to discount the enormity and responsibility of what a balinese relator does and is supposed to do for their clients.